High schoolers of all races, here’s a tip on how not to get your butt kicked by police

A media desperate to spin up another race incident, and attention whores around the country,  are screeching the tired old racism thing once again when the real question we should be asking is:

when did it become okay for children to disobey police officers?

I wonder what would’ve happened if they’d just obeyed the law and left the party like the rest of those who were ordered to leave?

Reading the headlines attached to news and ripped-off videos on YouTube gives you a pretty clear picture of what the intention is: stir up another incident that has nothing to do with race, the type of incident police officers routinely face.

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I’ll leave you with a little advice from Chris Rock that is quite fitting in this situation. (**PROFANITY ALERT**) Rock uses a great deal of profanity, and race humor that I do not endorse, but the points he makes are good ones:

be polite, shut your mouth, and obey the law.

Those are pretty fundamental things that apparently many kids aren’t being taught these days.

So, kids, if you’d like to remain in good standing with the law if you happen to be in a situation that involves them being called, when they arrive, how about you keep your mouth shut, and obey the orders you’re given? I can guarantee you that in nearly every single case, you will see a peaceful resolution to the situation. Acting like punks is going to guarantee a very different result.

**UPDATE: According to Steven Crowder, this story is — in typical media fashion — being blown into something it absolutely was not. One neighbor posted about the misbehavior of the kids in question:


…which takes us back to the original question no one seems to be discussing — why has it become okay for kids to disobey the law?

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Teri Christoph
Teri Christoph 249 posts

Teri Christoph is one of the original founders of Smart Girl Politics. In addition to her work at SGP, Teri is a full-time fundraiser for conservative candidates and causes. She lives in Leesburg, VA, with her husband and four children. You can contact Teri at [email protected].

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