Oddly Enough, Rachael Dolezal Isn’t Black

High ranking NAACP spokeswoman, Rachael Dolezal, has been pretending to be black for almost 10 years.

Sky News reports:

A prominent civil rights campaigner is being investigated after it was claimed she had falsely portrayed herself as black for almost a decade. President of the Spokane, Washington branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), Rachel Dolezal reportedly identified herself as part African-American upon applying for her post on the city’s citizen police ombudsman commission. But networks including KXLY say public records show her parents are white couple Ruthanne and Lawrence — who subsequently confirmed their daughter is also white. Her mother told The Spokesman Review the family had Czech, Swedish and German roots, with “faint traces” of Native American heritage — adding that her daughter began to “disguise herself” in 2006 or 2007. “Rachel is very good at using her artistic skills to transform herself,” she told the Coeur d’Alene Press.

I’m sorry, but that is hilarious.

What is not funny about Rachael Dolezal pretending to be black was reported by the Washington Post,

When Rachel applied to Howard University to study art with a portfolio of “exclusively African American portraiture,” the university “took her for a black woman” and gave her a full scholarship.

Anyone with half a brain may suggest that she should have to pay back that scholarship. Yet in our wacky world of “Political Correctness” there will probably be some insane excuse made by some equally insane “activist” (… and I’m talking pretending that your black to secure stature and influence insanity). More than likely someone out there is going to say something along the lines of “as long as she thinks she’s black… or “as long as being black makes her happy…” to justify Rachael Dolezal’s deceitful decade long “African-American Experience.”

Embellishing on who you are is really not that big of a deal on some levels (just think of every resume ever written or the weight some “choose” to provide for their driver’s license). But, this case goes beyond that. Rachael Dolezal received political and social influence by lying to people. She also received a full scholarship to one of the most expensive schools in the world by falsely claiming minority status. Then she became President of the Spokane, Washington branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), by pretending to be black (Which is ridiculously ironic considering that one of the founders of the NAACP was indeed a white woman). Rachael Dolezal’s entire successful career is based around total a lie. This should make people pause for a moment to ponder what society is turning into… a bunch of liars.

It may be harsh and indifferent to find Rachael Dolezal’s current predicament hilarious, but sometimes folks, you just got to sit back and laugh to avoid banging your head against the wall from the level of deceit people will stoop to, just to be liked. I applaud Rachael for advocating issues that mean the most to her, but flat out lying to people in the name of “activism” is not something any sane person should tolerate - no matter the cause.


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Brandi Frey
Brandi Frey 7 posts

Brandi Frey is part owner of a family ran Plastics Recycling and Compounding company. She lives in Ohio with her husband and two sons. Follow Brandi on twitter @BrandiFrey.

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