Tag "Nikki Haley"


Nikki Haley blasts Syria’s friends in scathing announcement

U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley is calling out countries, such as Bolivia, that choose “to defend the atrocities of the Syrian regime”.


5 times Nikki Haley has put her heels up the U.N.’s backside

“I wear heels, but it’s not a fashion statement,” said Nikki Haley. “It’s because if I see something wrong, I’m gonna kick ’em every single time.”


Nikki Haley agitates the agitators

Nikki Haley should be applauded for looking out for her state and outflanking the agitators on the left.

SGP Spotlight

Our country needs more Nikki Haley, less Barack Obama

Right now, our country could use a lot more Nikki Haley, a lot less Barack Obama.