Tag "Obama"
Episode #11: Three Mojito Brunch
Our three mojito brunch includes stories on clueless Huma Abedin and Obama’s message for all men who aren’t voting for Hillary.
War Weary American Blood ‘The Best’
The battles of today are vastly different than at any time in our history, because the uncomfortable reality is that without a definitive response each new attack breeds emboldened behavior.
Carly drops a truth bomb on Obama
There’s a good reason Carly Fiorina is rising in the polls.
Hey Obama, Kathryn Steinle Matters!
Megyn Kelly says what the White House won’t: Kathryn Steinle’s life — and death — matters.
What was the G7 Summit all about and will the countries involved be able to live up to the agreements they made?
How real are the agreements made at G8 Summits in terms of implantation and achievability?
Memorial Day is all about Obama and ice cream cones … if you’re the Democrat Party, that is
That was the wrong message for this solemn holiday.
Cartoon of the day
(h/t: Legal Insurrection)
Obama: “We believe in the power of entrepreneurship.”
Us: Well, we certainly do. Not sure about you.
Guacamole Debate: Really, Mr. President?
Guacamole debate? What debate?