Without God, We Get the Nazis and Planned Parenthood

"I think our problem is a spiritual one. Where there is no Jesus, evil always reigns."

Phil Robertson

Planned Parenthood’s Dr. Deborah Nucatola was filmed discussing abortion and the alleged sale of baby body parts over a casual meal. A recent Christian Post article recalled Jewish philosopher Hannah Arendt’s book Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil. 

Hannah Arendt escaped Germany  before Hitler’s evil took hold, and later, she attended the trial of one of Hitler’s top executioners. As Deborah Nucatola’s flippant responses shocked many, Adolf Eichmann’s behavior in court  stunned Arendt. According to the Christian Post, Arendt wrote, “‘The trouble with Eichmann is that so many were like him.” She continued, “‘They were neither perverted nor sadistic, just terribly and terrifyingly normal.'”

Adolf Eichmann  monitored  the extermination of countless Jews with abundant passion and no remorse, and he was able to discuss his role in the Holocaust with little emotion. During his trial after the war, he claimed to be doing his job.  He said,

“Why me? Why not the local policemen, thousands of them? They would have been shot if they had refused to round up the Jews for the death camps. Why not hang them for not wanting to be shot? Why me? Everybody killed the Jews.”. (Emphasis mine)

The Christian post author made many profound statements, but his best was this:

“So Hollywood, the progressive academy, the mainstream media, the corrupted pulpit and other propaganda machines will continue to crank out the banalities that will influence that portion of the mass demographic that still elects to office leaders of any and all parties who will contrive the policies that certify the abnormal as normal and the criminal as legal”.

Sound familiar? Want examples of how we “certify the abnormal as normal and the criminal as legal?”

Take a look at President Obama’s position on abortion here, especially during his time in the Illinois State Senate.

Is society doing much better?

The Daily Caller reported earlier this year on  the opening of an abortion clinic with a “spa-like” touch. The clinic didn’t boast of morning prayer but hoped to glorify abortion with wood floors, hot beverages, and plush robes.

If the gas chambers had gold chandeliers and expensive fixtures, or the cause was championed by a popular politician, would the murder of innocent Jews be more acceptable?

Hitler spoke of God during his early political career to fool Christians, but his religious rhetoric changed once he became more powerful. Hitler was threatened by Christianity and hoped to diminish its influence. It is no secret the Nazis tried to remove any reference to Christ and other religious imagery from the public square. Hitler demanded absolute allegiance to him.

When God is considered irrelevant, who replaces Him?

The answer is stated above: “Hollywood, the progressive academy, the mainstream media, the corrupted pulpit and other propaganda machines,” and I would like to add the government as well. Each entity supports the other and forms one gigantic mass of godlessness.

Abortion clinics are like modern-day gas chambers with modern-day conveniences and no God, and the mothers of these poor babies are sold the lie that abortion means empowerment.

I always say evil needs help to flourish. Nucatola, like Eichmann, has been influenced by her surroundings. If I were a gambling woman, I would bet she was attracted to progressive ideology and not the Gospel. The problem is there are many like her.  Eichmann and Nucatola were just doing what was expected of them and were somehow convinced their actions were justified.

The abortion industry and its supporters can change the terminology, build “spa-like” abortion clinics, present abortion from different angles, and have the support of popular politicians,  but the rest of us have witnessed the disastrous effects of society’s attempt to normalize abortion.

No matter how many people believe in the practice or how much lipstick you put on it, abortion is wrong.

To paraphrase one Facebook commenter, will future generations look back at us in shame for allowing abortion as we now look back at Nazi Germany for the Holocaust today?

Image courtesy of: www.addictinginfo.org and www.dailymail.co.uk


About author

Kayla Janak
Kayla Janak 30 posts

Kayla lives in Sugarland, Texas with her husband and two children. She works as a part-time nurse anesthetist at a local hospital. Kayla is a state coordinator for SGP, and she blends her love of writing and politics as a member of the SGP Communications Team. Kayla volunteers for a Christian outreach organization and her local church. She can also be found on twitter @kjanakcrna.

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