

Does Cosmopolitan Care About Its Readers or the Democrats?

The Democrats are in trouble, and with so much at stake, they’re worried one loyal voting bloc may not show up to vote: Single women. Hoping to duplicate Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe’s


The President Needs to Learn a Little Respect

In what is being dubbed as the President’s “latte salute”, Barack Obama gave what looked like a less than enthusiastic “salute” to Marines this morning with his coffee cup as


Scotland Decides Its Future Via the Ballot Box: Should They Stay or Should They Go?

Over the centuries various countries and civilizations have fought for their independence by way of war or protest.  In what is anticipated to be a historic event tomorrow, Scotland will


The NFL: National Football League or Narrating Future Life?

Before getting married, I was what you would call a casual sports fan.  With the exception of the Olympics, sports were an occasion not a way of life.  However, in


Is Relativism Opening a Pandora’s Box?

Morality is an age old subject.  Webster defines morality as “particular principles or rules of conduct.”  Traditionally, despite being a nation that promoted freedom of religion along with separation of


NATO is Not Yesterday’s News

Created in 1949, NATO was originally intended to be a cooperative alliance aimed at preventing another world war and stopping the spread of communism from the Eastern European block controlled